Noble Ox
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Priest Empty Priest

Post  Tosa Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:05 pm

Howdy guys,

I thought I might start with a little introduction of my WoW-"life":

First, some months after the WoW was published, I started a paladin on Dunemaul. That was in my nooby days, and it took as much time to lvl to 30 than 60 now. Well anyways, I shared my account with my brother somewhy (don't remember)… And he got a friend that got a friend who also played on our server, but the friend of my brothers friend changed to Horde on the same server after some time, which meant that my brothers friend also changed, and then I had no choice but follow everyone to Horde.
So then my second character, an UD lock, was created. I lvled it to 60 (pre-TBC you know), and I got a few epics, raided some MC with my guild "Terra Nova", but I was mostly a PvPer for life…
After some while I got tired of WoW, and I had a break.
But after some while my brother had persuided me to start again, now the TBC was shown in the media…
So then I started a warrior, to 55, to find out that Warriors are the most boring class if you don't tank, and I wasn't much of a tanker.
Again, a new one. This time I followed my friends who had started playing too, a NElf hunter was born on the server Al'Akir. My hunter just got to 60 before I discovered that I was wrong, huntards are the most boring class.
Again, a small break…
Now the TBC released…
I got some friends of mine to start again on Dunemaul, where I lvled a Mage to 70, got fulled epic (much easier to get epics now than pre-TBC :S specially after S3)Some months passed and again I got bored of my class. I was about to quit, before a friend of mine exchanged my main into a 70 huntard and a 68 priest (Tosa).
I did some BGs to get used of healing, cus I knew I was going to need some skills, and I started healing up to 70.
And here I am, 70 - priest - holy - ready to get geared!Very Happy

As I said, I'm ready to be geared, which means my gear suck right now (only 745 healing:S), but I'm trying to get tailoring to 375 for the set… So no harsh thoughts if you wouldn't like me in yet =)

I wanted to join your guilds because I heard some about it while I was looking for a raiding guild, and your guild seem to have the most fitting raiding times for my "Schedule" (lets act as if we are organised here=P)

I'm getting my quests for kara done, and I guess I have honored some places for heroic (haven't bothered to check^_^)

Ohh and you ask, -Do you wanna see content or purples?
Purples are my life =)

My computer is kind of… Well, I'd first check how it is before I wanne run Skype while in Gruul (my old pre-TBC-raiding comp was destroyed:/ ), but atleast Kara do work.
I am also available for a mic…

Ohh, now I guess I have to talk about myself :/

First I just wanne remind you guys about that you almost always think a mental age about someone, but when you join em on TS it appears its the excact opposite ^_^
I'm 14 only :/, well, remember what I said=)
I am a 14 years old boy living in Norway, Akershus, Nesodden, Helvik, Liaveien 20, if you must…
My primary language is of course Norwegian, but when I act as a british tea party I often get 6 on my pronounsual grade…
If what I've heard about your raiding times, my play times wouldn't be much of a concern…
Ohh, well… I'm in charge of my computer atleast, but don't worry… I wont join anything stupid while I don't know if I'm supposed to do something.
I am excercising Japaneese sword fighting (Kenjutsu) at our school Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu =)
I always enjoy making some unliveable sounds on an instrument they call a guitar.
And since I'm only 14 atm, I'm not a complete no-lifer yet^_^

Well, I hope the best and fear the worst =)

Almost forgot, sponsors… Nah not really anyone, but I can tell ya who I've heard this from; A rogue with his mage alt named Autoseal, dunno if he'd like me to say that, but well…

If I wont come in your guild any time, well, good luck then =D
Please ask me questions and tell me if I've left something.


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